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Rabbi’s Commentary

The Bridge Builder

Aug 4, 2015

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Dear Friend of The Fellowship,

Forty years ago I couldn’t have dreamed that my life and the work of The Fellowship would be what they are today. When I was making the first overtures of unity with Christians years ago, I had no idea these were the first steps of what would become the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, which is now a multi-million dollar humanitarian organization that has built unprecedented bridges of cooperation between our two great faiths.

This work of building bridges between Christians and Jews for nearly 40 years has not always been easy, but I’m happy to say that it has been fruitful and rewarding. Today, more Jews than ever see Christians as key allies rather than adversaries. And more Christians than ever understand the Jewish roots of their faith, and have committed themselves to supporting Israelis and Jews in need around the world, both financially and through prayer.

From the very beginning this work has been a divine calling, and, looking back, I see God’s hand throughout this long journey, even – and sometimes especially – in the tough seasons. I am grateful that you, too, will now be able to see God’s work in the creation and growth of The Fellowship.

I’m proud to tell you my biography, written by respected author and journalist Zev Chafets and published by one of the largest publishers in the world, Penguin Random House, will be released on August 11. Titled The Bridge Builder, the book gives an honest account of the triumphs and many challenges that went into founding the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

I believe this book provides an invaluable opportunity to bring The Fellowship’s message of support for Israel and reconciliation between Jews and Christians to a wider audience. In order to support this message, there are three things you can do: You can pre-order your hardcover copy of The Bridge Builder at or or after August 11, purchase a copy at your local bookstore. I hope you will also tell your friends about this book that shares the story of an organization you believe in and support, or perhaps buy them a copy as a gift. And you can also learn more information about the book at

Beyond the story of my life and the work of The Fellowship, The Bridge Builder, I believe, addresses something we desperately need in our world today. With people increasingly divided along sectarian lines – whether religious, political, or ideological – people of goodwill need to engage with other people of goodwill to ask the simple question: How do we get along together? Despite our differences, how do we work together to make our broken world a better place?

I hope this book inspires you to build bridges of your own, whether on a personal level, or on a much larger scale. I remain grateful for your continued support of The Fellowship’s bridge-building mission.

With prayers for unity and shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
President and Founder, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews® of Canada

P.S. – Please know that I receive no money from the sale of the book and that all profits go directly to The Fellowship for ministry purposes.



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