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IFCJ Canada Launching New Website

Mark Your Calendars! The Fellowship is Launching a New Website on October 20th

IFCJ Canada Launching New Website

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews® of Canada is launching a new website on October 20th.

Toronto, Ontario – October 13, 2015 — To you, our cherished Fellowship family and new friends, we are pleased to announce that IFCJ Canada will be launching a new website on October 20th.

The new website will feature a revived layout and inviting design, making it more convenient for you to use. You will also find fresh content to keep you informed on news about Israel and the lifesaving work you are doing for impoverished Israelis and Jews around the world. Most importantly, the redesigned site will feature more ways for The Fellowship to engage with you, our faithful Canadian ministry partners.

We invite you to visit our redesigned website on October 20th at

Please share your love and support of The Fellowship and tell a friend to check out our new site!

About IFCJ Canada

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews® of Canada provides leadership and funding to fight poverty in Israel, help impoverished elderly Jews and abandoned children in the former Soviet Union, to help Jews resettle in Israel, and to bring Jews and Christians into a relationship marked by dialogue, respect, and cooperation. The Fellowship has offices in Canada, the United States, Israel, Australia, Brazil, and South Korea.


For more information, please contact:
Canada (Toll Free or Toronto)

Susan Soto: 855‐311-4325


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