Another Woman Attacked in Stabbing in Israel“Monday’s victim, Michal Froman, was in a clothing warehouse at the time of the attack. She is the daughter-in-law of late renowned peace advocate Rabbi Menachem Froman.”A pregnant woman has been stabbed in Israel ending a weekend of violence and more attacks on innocent people. Less than 24 hours after a mother of six was fatally stabbed on her doorstep, an extremist wounded a 30-year-old pregnant woman in the industrial zone of the West Bank settlement of Tekoa on Monday morning. As reported by The Jerusalem Post:
Last night security forces arrested the suspect of the fatal stabbing. Please pray for the victims and families of these horrendous attacks on innocent people and a swift end to the violence. For more information on the unrest in Israel, please check back on our website “Monday’s victim, Michal Froman, was in a clothing warehouse at the time of the attack. She is the daughter-in-law of late renowned peace advocate Rabbi Menachem Froman.” |