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Fellowship Freedom Flight Brings Latest Olim from Ukraine

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“The situation in Ukraine remains dire and it is our responsibility to take care of Ukraine’s Jews.” —Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

While the war in Ukraine is not in the news as of late, the violence there continues to plague the nation’s citizens. JNS reports on The Fellowship’s latest Freedom Flight, which yesterday brought 116 Ukrainian Jews to their biblical homeland, Israel:

On Tuesday, 116 Ukrainian Jews arrived safely in Israel as part of the ongoing Freedom Flight initiative by The Fellowship, which helps threatened Jewish communities around the world.

“The situation in Ukraine remains dire and it is our responsibility to take care of Ukraine’s Jews,” said Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, president and founder of The Fellowship. “As our aliyah efforts in 2015 have shown, the better we get at providing aliyah (immigration to Israel) and klitah (absorption) services, the more people will be inclined to take the leap and come home to Israel.”

Most of the new immigrants are from eastern Ukraine, where they fled the fighting between the government and rebels.

You can provide rescue to desperate Jews who need your help. Give to a Freedom Flight today.


“The situation in Ukraine remains dire and it is our responsibility to take care of Ukraine’s Jews.”


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