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Yael’s Corner

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Our Fellowship Community

Apr 26, 2016

“Our community of Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world is thriving.”


Our community of Christians and Jews – in Israel and around the world – is thriving. And part of that can be attributed to the bridge-building done online. I received this beautiful message from a friend of The Fellowship named Scott, and we wanted to thank him and share his kind words with all of you – our friends, our community:

Hello Yael, I want to thank you, as I thank God, for all the work that IFCJ is doing. I have loved Israel and the Jewish people since I was young, but I live in an area that, unfortunately has no Jewish community. IFCJ provides me with a way to show my support for Israel, and the resources to encourage others to do so as well. I will be trying to become more actively involved in the near future. Thank you again for everything you are doing.

If you would like to become more involved in our online community, please join me on Facebook and “like” IFCJ Canada.

With blessings from the Holy Land,


Yael's Corner Archive

“Our community of Christians and Jews – in Israel and around the world – is thriving.”


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