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Blessings from Him

June 7, 2016

“Jewish tradition holds that on your birthday you have the power to bless others, and that God answers those blessings…”


Jewish tradition holds that on your birthday you have the power to bless other people, and God answers those blessings. The energy of that comes down from heaven on your birthday is similar to the powerful energy of love and care that God sent into the world at the moment you were born.

Being that last week was my birthday, I want to bless you with health, joy, and prosperity. I bless you to see God's hand in every situation and always remember that everything is for the best. May you grow closer to your true self, to loved ones, and have confidence and passion in everything you do. May you reach for your dreams and continue reaching even if you fail the first (and second, and third) time. May you never give up.

Thank you God, for blessing me with another trip around the sun – and the merit to bring a new life into this world during the past year.

Praise God, for He is good!

With blessings from the Holy Land,


Yael's Corner Archive

“Jewish tradition holds that on your birthday you have the power to bless others, and that God answers those blessings…”


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