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Yael’s Corner

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Becoming Pure on Yom Kippur

October 11, 2016

“After the next day of fasting, praying, wearing all white, and being like angels, we will come out pure like a newborn baby…”


On Yom Kippur we enter God's highest chambers which we are only welcomed in once a year. We kneel before the throne of glory, proclaim God's kingship, and beg for mercy. After all of the sins which we have done, both deliberately and not deliberately, why would He forgive us? Because He loves us. Because He is the King and we are His children; because this is His kingdom and we are His nation.

After the next day of fasting, praying, wearing all white, and being like angels, we will come out pure like a newborn baby.

Blessing us all with an easy and meaningful fast.

May you and your families – along with all of the people of Israel and the world - be inscribed and sealed in the book of life!

With blessings from the Holy Land,

“After the next day of fasting, praying, wearing all white, and being like angels, we will come out pure like a newborn baby…”


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