Rabbi Eckstein Receives Award for Helping Holocaust Survivors“This is about doing justice for those who have endured…”Earlier this week, Rabbi Eckstein received the Beacon of Light appreciation award for 2016 by The Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Survivors in a special ceremony at the Knesset (Israel’s parliament). The foundation’s chair, Limor Livnat, presented the award to Rabbi Eckstein for making a lifesaving difference for tens of thousands of elderly, poor Holocaust survivors across Israel. During the ceremony, Livnat acknowledged The Fellowship’s extensive support for the elderly and Holocaust survivors, which includes heating, compassionate care, food and medication. Other award recipients this year included actor and comedian Ya’acov Bodo, Holocaust survivor Ya’acov Zilberstein, businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison, German Judge Jan-Robert von Renesse, and volunteers Rina Stadler and Haim Shilo. “We are deeply grateful to be recognized for helping Holocaust survivors live their last years in dignity,” said Eckstein. “But this award is really about the critical work that still remains to ensure that no Holocaust survivor in Israel or anywhere must be forced to choose between food and medical care because of poverty. This is about doing justice for those who have endured.” If you would like to help elderly Holocaust survivors live out their last days with dignity, please give a blessed year-end, tax-creditable gift today. “This is about doing justice for those who have endured…” |