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Passover 2017: Special Aid to Those in Need

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The Fellowship has again committed to help thousands of needy Jews by providing them with food, clothing, and basic supplies for the observance of Passover this year.

The Fellowship has again committed to help thousands of needy Jews in Israel by providing them with food, clothing, and basic supplies for the observance of Passover this year. Holiday food packages will again be distributed from food centres and soup kitchens throughout Israel and food deliveries will be provided to needy Jews in the former Soviet Union. This year, Passover begins at sundown on April 10.

On March 21, Rabbi Eckstein (along with Israeli model Shlomit Malka and FOX clothing store CEO Harel Wiesel) joined several children at a department store where they were able to purchase new clothes for Passover, thanks to The Fellowship and our generous partners.

There is still time to join us in our Passover mission by providing a lifesaving food package that will help impoverished Jews observe this sacred holiday. Please give a generous gift today.


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The Fellowship has again committed to help thousands of needy Jews by providing them with food, clothing, and basic supplies for the observance of Passover this year.


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