A Personal Day
Monday was Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) in Israel. And for us, it's not just a theoretical day of remembrance. For us, this day is personal.
My grandfather was a young boy in Germany when Hitler began to implement the “Final Solution.” He lost almost all of his family members to the Nazis and his immediate family survived on miracles and the grace of God. His cousin was raised as his sibling, because all of his cousin's family was killed; he was the only one who remained. The bedtime stories my grandfather used to tell me were not of unicorns and princesses, but of running and hiding during the Holocaust. He told me to “Never Forget.” And I haven't. Each day, I remember those murdered during the Holocaust, and I remember the living as well. Yes, we must remember the living, too, who still need our help.
Dare we forget the tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors who are living in Israel and the former Soviet Union, praying for the simple miracle of food and medicine. So as the siren sounds across Israel and everyone bows their head to mourn and remember the dead, I pray for the living as well.
Join me, friends, in not only remembering and praying, but in ACTING as well. Let's bring honour to God's name. Let's act, before it's too late.
With blessings from the Holy Land,