The Other Side of the Western WallThe Temple Mount is the most sacred place in the world for the Jewish people…The Western Wall is part of a large wall that once surrounded the Temple Mount complex. It is the closest the Jewish people can easily get to the Temple Mount today. And the Western Wall was as close as Jews could get to the Temple Mount for thousands of years. At the Western Wall, Jews can pray freely and celebrate important occasions like bar mitzvahs and weddings. But it is not the Temple Mount, the place where the Temples once stood and God’s presence once dwelled in a palpable form. The Temple Mount is the place that King David purchased, and it is the ground on which King Solomon built a sanctuary for God so that He might dwell among His people. The Temple Mount is the most sacred place in the world for the Jewish people. While we wholeheartedly celebrate the miracle of 50 years of a reunited Jerusalem and give gratitude to God for bringing it about, we cannot forget that our work – and His work – is not done. We cannot forget the Temple Mount – the place where God once dwelled and is destined to dwell again. We must continue to pray, and never give up on our ultimate goal. We are so close – just on the other side of the wall. The Temple Mount is the most sacred place in the world for the Jewish people… |