Faces of The Fellowship: YuliaThis complicated living arrangement came about after the family’s attempt at aliyah (immigration to Israel) failed…Yulia and her sister, Veronica, live with their mother and their father’s parents in Ukraine. Their father lives with their mother’s parents in Israel. This complicated living arrangement came about after the family’s attempt at aliyah (immigration to Israel) failed. They couldn’t make enough money to live in Israel and had a hard time adjusting, so Alla, Yulia’s mother, returned to Ukraine with her daughters. Her husband, Roman, was forced to remain in Israel, where he is working to pay off the debt they incurred while living there. The girls are in touch with their father regularly. Now the journey has come full circle with our return to Israel. We will plant trees on our own land and re-plant our family roots in our ancient homeland, never to be uprooted again. While Roman sends the family money each month, most of his income goes to paying off their debt. The little he sends is not enough to live on. Alla cannot work; when she was two she was caught in a fire that severely burned her hands, leaving them permanently disfigured and eliminating her ability to perform most jobs for which she’s qualified. The Fellowship helps Yulia and her sister by providing them with food cards, medicine, shoes, warm jackets for the winter, holiday packages, and school supplies. In 2014, The Fellowship bought the family a washing machine, and last year we replaced the front door of their apartment as part of our winter assistance program. While the family tries to regroup and reunite, they are so grateful for the loving care provided by Canadian Fellowship friends. This complicated living arrangement came about after the family’s attempt at aliyah (immigration to Israel) failed… |