Thousands of Jews Get New Year’s HelpRabbi Eckstein and a group of volunteers in Moscow, along with some of the gift items they prepared for Rosh Hashana aid.The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada delivers gifts of food, clothing vouchers, and backpacks with school supplies for Rosh Hashana Ahead of the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashana, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada (“The Fellowship”) delivered food baskets and food cards to 5,000 needy Israeli families and 8,300 clothing vouchers to children who got to shop for the very first time for new clothes for the New Year! One thousand children in need were also recipients of new backpacks filled with school supplies. Special food for the High Holy Days was also delivered to the thousands of elderly we care for as well as children and families in Ukraine and Russia. With thanks to God for our Canadian partners, more than $1.5 million in essential aid was delivered in time to reach these families and we continue our outreach as we approach Yom Kippur and Sukkot. The Fellowship’s founder and president, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, joined Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar and a group of volunteers in Moscow to pack food baskets to distribute. “This Rosh Hashana, when we all sit around a table laden with delicacies, it’s vital that we recall our brothers and sisters in distress – both in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world. At The Fellowship, we’ve been working for years to enable Jews in every place in the world to celebrate the holidays with joy and dignity,” Eckstein said. Rabbi Lazar added: “One of the paramount messages in Judaism is unity -- not just for national purposes, but in order to complete the spiritual whole of the Jewish nation. This is especially true when discussing Rosh Hashana, one of the central holidays in the Jewish calendar. The unity of our people is incomplete if we do not concern ourselves with our weaker elements. This support, in a way, does more for us than for others, because it allows us to reach this Rosh Hashana, the Day of Judgment, as one unified nation.” Rabbi Eckstein and a group of volunteers in Moscow, along with some of the gift items they prepared for Rosh Hashana aid. |