A Moral Obligation
While my father was at the forefront of bringing Ethiopia's Jews to the Holy Land on Freedom Flights, the struggle for these precious children of God does not stop once they make aliyah (immigrate). The Fellowship is committed to helping our brothers and sisters from Ethiopia for as long as they need us. From food, clothing, emergency needs and now, with second and even third generations of Ethiopian Jews in Israel, there is an even greater need to reach out to those who still need our help.
One such program that Fellowship Canadian partners deliver is providing mentors to young Israelis who simply need help with life-skills training and coaching to find a job or apply to university. Opportunities like our mentoring program is another way our Fellowship partners help individuals and in this case, the Ethiopian community, to thrive in their new homeland, Israel.
Assaf (pictured) is a recent graduate of our mentoring program. He has been working as a communication technician in a large. When he began the program, Assaf expressed his passion for the world of electricity and technology and of his dream to open his own business. He also shared the difficulties in fulfilling these dreams on his own.
Assaf said that when he was a child, there was not a single thing in the house that he did not take apart and put together from technical equipment to objects with electrical circuits etc. Basically his need to join the mentoring program was in order to get help overcoming the obstacles in building his own business which will push him forward towards a future in which he expresses his abilities and fulfills himself.
The mentoring program is a type of "diving board" for young adults like Assaf who are living in a daily survival mode and find difficulty in planning their vision for the long run.
I am convinced that a shiny future in the field of technology is awaiting Assaf and that he will reveal his abilities and succeed from one week to the next and will open his own business.
With thanks to our Canadian partners, this program continues to grow in popularity, delivering successful outcomes like Assaf’s every day.
With blessings from the Holy Land,