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Two Freedom Flights Arrive in Holy Land. Thanks to You!

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IFCJ CAN Freedom Flight

196 new olim from Ukraine have arrived safely in Israel on Fellowship Freedom Flights. Both flights were funded by IFCJ Canada partners with thanks to your generous gifts!

196 new olim from Ukraine have arrived safely in Israel on Fellowship Freedom Flights. Both flights were funded by IFCJ Canada partners with thanks to your generous gifts!

Many of the olim (immigrants), who landed at Ben Gurion Airport this afternoon, were refugees from war-torn Eastern Ukraine.

Although tired, the olim are happy to be home in Israel, where, thanks to IFCJ Canada partners, they're finally able to leave the fighting and the confusion of war-torn Ukraine behind them.

As the olim entered the arrivals terminal, they were greeted by the singing of 11th grade students from the Gan Yavne High School. The students also handed out balloons to the children. The singing and balloons put smiles on the weary faces of the new arrivals.

The olim then went up to the 2nd floor of the Arrivals Terminal where they were greeted by Fellowship volunteers from Netanya and treated to lunch where they learned more about their new homeland.

Finally, they left the terminal where they entered vans that took them to their new homes to start their lives in Israel - the homeland of the Jewish people.

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196 new olim from Ukraine have arrived safely in Israel on Fellowship Freedom Flights. Both flights were funded by IFCJ Canada partners with thanks to your generous gifts!


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