A Choice We Made a Long Time AgoOleh and his wife Olga, who were living in Kharkiv, Ukraine will be travelling on an IFCJ Canada Freedom Flight arriving in the Holy Land on April 24...“The idea of making aliyah to Israel is something we've been thinking about for a long while”, says 54-year-old Oleh. “It's a choice that we made a long time ago. Our only daughter made aliyah in 2011. She's currently living and working in the city of Haifa.” The Mnov family consists of Oleh and his wife Olga, who were living in Kharkiv, Ukraine and will be travelling on an IFCJ Canada Freedom Flight arriving in the Holy Land on April 24. The financial crisis in Ukraine has had a severe negative impact on the the couple’s finances. “I was employed as a bookkeeper at a small business,” says Oleh. “My salary was frozen for a long period of time while the inflation rate kept on growing. “I hope to find employment in Israel in the same field. In Israel we plan to continue working in our respective fields once our Ukrainian credentials have been confirmed. However, both of us are ready to work with our hands, especially during the initial period in Israel. We're simply very eager and looking forward to a new and bright future in Israel.” The couple also talks about their family during the time of the Holocaust. “My grandfather, Oscar Levman, was executed in 1937,” says Oleh. “In 1989 we received notification from the official archives that posthumously he had been officially rehabilitated.” When asked about The Fellowship's assistance with their aliyah, Oleh smiles. “I did a little research into the matter and decided that we'd only make aliyah through The Fellowship. The staff provided us with so much useful information about our future in Israel. We appreciate everything The Fellowship has done for us in helping make our dreams come true. Thank you.” You can provide a ticket to freedom for a suffering Jewish family today. Please give now. Oleh and his wife Olga, who were living in Kharkiv, Ukraine will be travelling on an IFCJ Canada Freedom Flight arriving in the Holy Land on April 24... |