Looking back over 2018, one of my favourite experiences was a mind-blowing, eye-opening, heartwarming trip to North America. And part of what made this trip so special is that I met with leaders from both the Christian and Jewish communities.
Members of the Jewish community thanked me repeatedly for the work that The Fellowship has done, and the bridges that my father has built for more than 35 years. The concept of Jews and Christians working together for the sake of our shared values has taken hold in a profound way.
Jews everywhere are still reeling from the horrendous massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue that claimed the lives of 11 people. And I know that churches in North America have also come under attack in recent years. Christian minorities in the Middle East are at greatest risk for persecution. Earlier this year, seven Coptic Christians were murdered in Egypt for their faith.
Jews and Christians are under attack.
To the Christian community that has stood by our side, I can tell you that the Jewish people and Israelis stand with you. You have our unwavering support, just as you have given us yours.
As our shared values are taking hold, shared threats and challenges are also taking hold. But as Ruth once told Naomi, “your people will be my people” (Ruth 1:16). We are in this together, and together and we will emerge greater than ever before.
With blessings from the Holy Land,