Of all the work that we do at IFCJ Canada, none of it would be possible without you, our faithful Fellowship friends. And when we receive recognition, it’s because you make our work possible. The latest honour, reported on by our friends at The Jerusalem Post, has been given by the World Zionist Organization for our work encouraging aliyah (immigration to Israel):
Against the backdrop of dealing with global influences on immigration to Israel and the anticipation of increasing immigration in the coming years, the World Zionist Organization held an event awarding medals of excellence and appreciation to local and regional authorities in Israel that encourage immigration.
“In 2021, we are witnessing a huge demand for the opening of immigration files,” said The chairman of the World Zionist Organization and the acting chairman of the Jewish Agency Yaakov Hagoel. “The data we have shows a jump of over 120% in the opening of immigration portfolios compared to the years 2019 and 2020 and that means a lot.
“It seems that the global crisis that befell us all is encouraging Jews from the Diaspora to realize their dream and explore possibilities of moving their lives to the State of Israel, their natural home,” he added. “The cities and local authorities here in Israel are natural partners in encouraging immigration and providing a real sense of home for those considering immigrating to Israel. Zionism is alive, existing and vibrant and aliyah is an integral part of it…”
“The World Zionist Organization and local authorities are an integral part of the Aliyah and Absorption process. Upon starting this post, I made it very clear that whoever is involved with aliyah and encourages immigration is a partner of mine and the office I run,” said the Aliyah and Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Sheta. “You are the executioners in the field and your presence at many intersections is critical and for that you deserve a lot of appreciation.
“I intend to create even more ties and strengthen partnerships in order to optimize the process of immigration and absorption as much as possible,” she added. “These days we are facing a big wave of immigration, so this deep partnership, based on trust and appreciation, is necessary in order to be more successful in the task of absorbing immigrants.”
Out of many dozens of candidates, nine outstanding authorities were selected, including Ashkelon, Gush Etzion, Tiberias, Acre, Ramla, Beer Sheva, Arad, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, and 20 authorities received awards. In addition, six organizations were honored for their activities to encourage aliyah, including Keren L’Yedidut, Nefesh B’nefesh, the Association of Immigrant Organizations, Gevahim, and TELFELD. Arad’s mayor, Mayor Nisan Ben-Hamo spoke on behalf of the selected cities.
The awarding of the Medals of Excellence was attended by the Chairman of the World Zionist Organization and Acting Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Yaakov Hagoel, Minister of Immigration and Absorption Pnina Tamano-Sheta, Head of the Department of Encouraging Immigration in the World Zionist Organization, Marina Rosenberg-Koritny, the President of Keren L’Yedidut, Yael Eckstein, CEO of Nefesh B’nefesh, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, mayors and department heads, deputies, CEOs and other public figures.
We would like to acknowledge Yael Eckstein for her leadership as we continue our aliyah work, but most of all we would like to thank you for partnering with us in this holy work. Todah Rabah thank you!