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Yael's Holy Land Reflections

Practicing Gratitude

Dr. Steve Greene — Remembering a Man of Faith

June 14, 2022

All of us at The Fellowship were stunned and saddened to learn of the death of a truly great Christian leader — Dr. Steve Greene. In his role as pastor, professor, and later as Executive Vice President for Charisma Media and Executive Producer for the Charisma Podcast Network, Dr Greene took the job of helping others develop their skills and gifts very seriously.

I was blessed to be invited twice to Dr. Greene’s podcast, and was thrilled when he agreed to be part of one of my “Conversations with Yael” podcasts. I will never forget something he said during our conversation: “The keys to the kingdom are relationships.” Dr Greene truly lived out these words by building relationships to help overcome the divisiveness in our world today, and combatting prejudice and anti-Semitism. I believe this spirit of bridge-building is what gave him such an affinity for our work.

The Bible promises that God “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Please pray that God will bless and comfort Dr. Greene’s family — especially his wife Anette, and his children, Kimberly and Landon — and all those who loved him and mourn his loss. I thank God for the life of this great man of faith, who was indeed a true friend of the Jewish people and The Fellowship.

Listen to Yael’s conversation with Dr. Greene on spiritual leadership, building relationships, and overcoming the divisiveness in our world today.

With blessings from the Holy Land,

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Yael Eckstein

Yael’s Reflections Archive


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