As Russian attacks continue to harm Ukraine’s infrastructure and cause major power and water outages across the country, we are on the ground helping protect the most vulnerable this winter by providing generators, blankets, and Hanukkah menorahs, reports the Times of Israel:
A recent survey of 600 Ukrainian Jews conducted by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews found that nearly all of them were struggling to keep warm and that most would need to choose between heating their homes and buying food. A majority, 56 percent, said they didn’t believe they’d have enough warm clothing for the coming winter.
“Globally, we’ll be providing generators to schools, old-age homes, community centers. Generators are really the most important thing because when there’s no power, there’s also no water. So there are old-age homes in Odesa that don’t have electricity and they don’t have water and they can’t cook food,” said Yael Eckstein, of The Fellowship, which says it has globally provided over $20 million of funding to Ukrainian communities since the start of the fighting.