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A Time for Hope, Caring for Others, and Being a Light

(Photo: Moshe Bukhman)

In just over a week, the Jewish people will begin the High Holy Days by celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Writing at The Washington Times, Yael says this holy season gives us all a chance to change our perspective by focusing on the blessings around us:

Each year during the High Holy Days, which begin with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and end 10 days later with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), I look forward to being able to start anew and gain a new perspective.

Starting anew is what the High Holy Days are all about. We begin this sacred season by celebrating Rosh Hashanah. But instead of the typical new year celebration we might be used to, Rosh Hashanah is more about renewing our faith and changing our hearts to see the good, to believe that revealed blessings are indeed possible for the new year ahead.

British Chief Rabbi, the late Lord Jonathan Sacks (OBM) beautifully described faith as possessing “not certainty, but rather the courage to live with the uncertainty.”

It sounds simple, but we all know how difficult this can be, especially as uncertainty seems to envelop every area of life. Beyond even our personal challenges, the news we’re constantly exposed to is often bad news…

Read the rest of Yael’s message at The Washington Times.

With blessings from the Holy Land,

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Yael Eckstein

Yael’s Reflections Archive


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