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Signs and Wonders

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Dear Friend of The Fellowship,

What an amazing time to be in Israel. On Sunday, Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day, when Jews everywhere pause to remember and reaffirm the importance of the Holy City to the Jewish people.

And this week, a group of Christians arrived in the Holy Land for a historic pilgrimage hosted by The Fellowship and my good friend, Pat Boone. On this unforgettable trip, they walk in the footsteps of our spiritual forefathers... offer prayers to God at the Western Wall... take in the breathtaking views from Masada... visit lifesaving Fellowship projects... and so much more.

Travelling to Israel changes your life - and I believe visiting Israel will change the lives of these Christian pilgrims profoundly. When I think of the signs and wonders we have been privileged to behold in this pivotal time in history, I pray that we are filled with gratitude and humility toward God, Who has never forgotten His children.

Thank you, my friends, for your generous, faithful heart for Israel. Please pray for the Jewish state and her people as she faces escalating tensions in the north. And may God bless Israel - and all of us - with His most precious gift of shalom, peace.

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
President and Founder, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews® of Canada

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